
Syllabus Level 2
Syllabus Level 3
On-line text
Homework & Project Info.
Study Tips
Chemistry Links
Mole Road Map
Periodic Table
Chemical Equations & Reactions
On-line: Games & Practice Quizzes
Element Projects
Atom Projects
Acid/Base pH project
Mrs. Smith's Favorites
Class of '08 News
SPM Field Hockey

Welcome!  This website was created to accompany our curriculum.  I will be posting new information as we move through each chapter, so keep visiting to see new stuff!

                                                -Mrs. Smith

Chemical of the Week

This Week...
How Fireworks Work

Classroom Connection...

Physical vs. Chemical Changes


When you are making pizza think of all the changes that are taking place.  Which of these changes are physical?  Which changes are chemical?  Here are a few steps to think about...rising dough, cutting vegetables, grating cheese, melting cheese, the aroma in the air...burning your pizza!

Can you guess what this is?

Click on the picture to find out!
