
Homework & Project Info.

Syllabus Level 2
Syllabus Level 3
On-line text
Homework & Project Info.
Study Tips
Chemistry Links
Mole Road Map
Periodic Table
Chemical Equations & Reactions
On-line: Games & Practice Quizzes
Element Projects
Atom Projects
Acid/Base pH project
Mrs. Smith's Favorites
Class of '08 News
SPM Field Hockey

Saint Peter-Marian homework policy(11th and 12th grade): Three missing homework assignments per quarter will result in an office detention.  If you are absent you have three(3) days to submit the missing homework assignment(s).  You are also responsible for making up quizzes, laboratories, and tests in a timely manner. 

Chemistry Level 2 (A, E, )


Chemistry Level 3 (C,D,F)


Please see Miss. Robichaud to pick up any worksheets and/or handouts that you may have missed.  Don't forget to turn in the homework that was due when you were absent!!